自2019 年中至2020 年初,香港經歷了社會風暴。跟著兩年多,我們也經歷了COVID-19 。經濟好像停頓了,人與人之間疏離、百業蕭條,教會也不能因此而幸免。這就是現今世界的縮影。各國家為了完整主權,引致民眾、信徒及宗教領袖相繼移民他方。在能源危機、糧食短缺及政治因素下,我們都面對同樣的問題。今天作為靈糧世界佈道會聯會,我們當扮演什麼角色?唯有共同起來、建立教會,並實踐基督的憐憫、寬恕和愛。我們要合一和復興。「黑夜已深,白晝將近,我們就當脫去暗昧的行為,帶上光明的兵器。」(羅13:12)
我們為新會長帶領我們重建靈糧一家,繼續做好宣教的使命禱告。以下我邀請新會長致詞 “Harry Danui 長老,有請 ”。
17th Chairman handover speech
During the years 2019 and 2020, Hong Kong experienced the social movement.After that, there was the COVID-19 pandemic, which lasted for almost two years. The economy has been suspended. People were isolated from each other. There was a slump in all industries, and so as in churches. It is a common phenomenon in the whole world nowadays. Different countries pursue their own sovereignty and because of that, many people, Christians and religious leaders migrate to other countries. All of us face the same problems in terms of energy crisis, the storage of food, as well as political factors. Being the Ling Liang World-Wide Evangelistic Mission Association, what roles are we playing today? All we can do is to bond together, build up our churches and put Christ's mercy, forgiveness and love into real practice.We need to unite and revive.“The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.” (Romans 13:12)
We pray that our New President will lead all Ling Liang churches to unite and strive to preach the gospel as our mission. Now may I invite our New President to give a speech for us “Elder Harry Danui , please.”
三年前,二零一九年九月份,在洛杉磯靈糧堂舉行的靈糧世界佈道聯會第十六屆代表大會,選出陳鏡如牧師為基督教靈糧世界佈道聯會二零一九年至二零二二年的主席。 在人的意料之外,二零二零年一月份,發生了疫情亊件,整個世界都受到疫情的威脅。影響了醫藥、經濟、和國家財務的薄弱。 在香港的弟兄姐妹,也同樣面對這個困難。因此陳鏡如牧師為聯會所計劃的一切,都沒有辦法進行。加上在香港的社會運動,影響了香港人的活動。
至今,疫情已經兩年多了。 新冠肺炎病毒的傳染,雖然現在比較下降,但是還出現新冠肺炎症的新變種, 因此我們仍然需要謹慎。 香港現今的情形還沒有真正恢復。政府對外來的旅客,還實行幾天與外人相隔的條例。但願大家仍然靠賴這位又真又活的主和聖靈的同在,都能站立得穩。腓力比書 4:13「我靠着那加給我力量的,凡事都能做。」
下一屆的基督教靈糧佈道聯會,二零二二年至二零二五年,是輪到印民區擔當主席區,處理各樣活動。身為主席,我本人邀請弟兄姊妹的合作,無論是靈糧世界佈道聯會、區會、或者信心神學院,大家都彼此合作,職行靈糧堂的使命,往普天下去傳福音(馬可福音16:15)。 傳道書4:9 「兩個人縂比一個人好,因為二人勞碌同得美好的果效」願神賜福大家的事奉。 阿們。
18th Chairman Handover speech
Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Shalom!
Greetings from Indonesia.
Praise be to our God that the LLWWEMA management handover event can be conducted today although virtually via zoom.
In September 2019 at the LLWWEMA Congress held at Bread of Life Church, Torrance, Los Angeles, Pastor Petros Chan was elected to serve as President of LLWWEMA for the period 2019 – 2022. We were all taken by surprise that in early January 2020 the world was shocked by the sudden outbreak Covid-19. Most of the countries were affected which resulted in the collapse of public health facilities, hospitals, and the fragility of the countries’ economies and finances. Our brothers and sisters in Hong Kong were also greatly affected. The programs that had been planned by Pastor Petros Chan were not able be implemented properly or even cancelled. The situation in Hong Kong was exacerbated by the occurrence of long-lasting protests for months which paralyzed the activities in the city.
After more than two years of this pandemic, currently, even though the transmission trend has subsided in most countries, the virus continues to evolve that we need to remain vigilant about COVID-19. The situation in Hong Kong itself has not been conducive until now and the local government is still implementing a few days quarantine for people arriving from outside Hong Kong.
May we all remain resilient in facing these circumstances and always rely on the power of the living Christ and the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. Philippians 4:13: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”
For the next three-year period, from September 2022 to September 2025, it is the turn of Indonesian Region to lead LLWWEMA activities. I sincerely asked for your support and do hope that LLWWEMA, Synod of Indonesia Bread of Life Church, and IMAN Seminary, can collaborate in carrying out the mission of the Bread of Life Church, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.” (Mark 16:15). Ecclesiastes 4:9 “Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil.”
Brothers and sisters, let us serve together, faster, better, and stronger.
God bless all our ministries! Amin.
18th Chairman Handover speech
Saudara/i yang saya kasihi dalam Yesus Kristus, Shalom!
Salam dari Indonesia.
Puji syukur kepada Tuhan kita pada hari ini acara serah terima kepengurusan LLWWEMA dapat berlangsung walaupun dilaksanakan secara virtual melalui zoom.
Pada bulan September 2019 dalam Kongres LLWWEMA di Gereja Santapan Rohani, Torrance, Los Angeles giliran wakil dari Hongkong yaitu Pendeta Petros Chan dipercaya untuk menjabat sebagai President LLWWEMA periode 2019 – 2022. Kita cukup prihatin bahwa pada awal Januari 2020 dunia dikejutkan dengan penularan virus Covid-19 dimana sebagian besar negara-negara di dunia terkena dampak yang mengakibatkan goyahnya fasilitas kesehatan, rumah sakit dan juga rapuhnya ekonomi maupun keuangan negara. Hal ini juga dialami oleh saudara-saudari kita di Hongkong sehingga program-program yang telah dicanangkan oleh Pendeta Petros Chan terpaksa tidak dapat dilaksanakan sebagaimana mestinya. Keadaan di Hongkong diperparah dengan adanya demonstrasi yang berlangsung cukup lama selama berbulan-bulan yang berakibat kelumpuhan aktifitas di sebagian besar HongKong
Setelah lebih dua tahun pandemi ini berlangsung; pada saat ini, walaupun tren penularan sudah semakin mereda di sebagian besar negara, namun muncul juga varian-varian baru yang perlu kita waspadai dan kita harus tetap berhati hati. Keadaan di Hongkong sendiri sampai dengan saat ini belumlah kondusif dan pemerintah setempat masih menerapkan karantina beberapa hari untuk pendatang dari luar Hongkong.
Kiranya dalam menghadapi situasi dan keadaan ini kita semua tetap teguh dan selalu mengandalkan Yesus yang hidup dan penyertaan Roh Kudus. Firman Tuhan dalam Filipi 4:13: “Segala Perkara Dapat Kutanggung didalam Dia/ Kristus yang memberikan kekuatan bagiku”
Untuk periode tiga tahun mendatang, September 2022 sampai dengan September 2025 giliran wakil Indonesia yang memimpin kegiatan LLWWEMA. Dalam kepengurusan LLWWEMA tiga tahun mendatang ini saya memohon dukungan Saudara/i dan berharap baik LLWWEMA, Sinode GSRI maupun STT IMAN bisa berkolaborasi dalam melaksanakan misi Gereja Santapan Rohani yaitu memberitakan Injil ke seluruh dunia (Markus 16:15). Pengkhotbah 4:9: “Berdua lebih baik dari pada seorang diri, karena mereka menerima upah yang baik dalam jerih payah mereka.”
Brothers and sisters, let us serve together, faster, better, and stronger.
Kiranya Tuhan memberkati pelayanan kita semua. Amin.