本會會員堂 Churches within LLWWEMA
香港區 Hong Kong District
印尼區 Indonesia District
北美區 North America District
澳洲 Australia
- Australia Ling Liang Church
印度 India
菲律賓 Philippines
- Bread of Life Christian Church (Don Pedro)
- Bread of Life Christian Church ( St. John )
- Bread of Life Christian Church (Ugong / Mapulang Lupa)
馬來西亞 Malaysia
非本會會員堂 Churches not part of LLWWEMA
·台北靈糧堂 Bread of Life Christian Church in Taipei (BOLCC Taipei )
·台北靈糧堂全球 443 間分堂 Additional 443 Ling Liang Churches or Bread of Life Churches planted directly or indirectly by BOLCC Taipei